Movies that I want to see
- Tintin(2011) - I'm a fan of the graphic novels by Herge, and I'm interested to see Steven Spielberg's Interpretation. In 3D no less (no surprise).
- The Hobbit(2012?) - I thought the Lord of the Rings was well done, and I liked the animated version of old, but I think it could be vastly improved by live action. The old animated Lord of the Rings series was terrible compared to the new version, so I hope that they can pull off another big hit. I think they went and split it into parts 1 and 2 though.
- V for Vendetta - trailer I loved the plot and action of this movie, I have to say my favorite scene was the "domino" scene, but V's introductory speech isn't far off.
- The Dark Knight - trailer I though this was stunning, Heath Ledger's performance was amazing. I loved it, not because the superhero jargon, but because of the intricate layers of the joker's character and the the metaphor of the motif of Harvey Dent's coin for the themes of order and chaos (when Harvey is injured, the coin with a head on both sides becomes scorched too. The coin when flipped is now based on pure chance, the Joker's idea of true chaos).
- Titanic - This is truly becoming a classic film for it's beautiful portrayal of the disaster of the Titanic, and the true art comes from all the little things that went wrong, not the big events.
- *The Fellowship of the Ring - trailer
- *The Two Towers - trailer This trilogy is perhaps my favorite series of live action. The special effects, scenery, and costumes were not emphasized to the point where they detracted from the plot; they complimented the plot rather than being a detriment it.
- *The Return of the King - trailer
- Apollo 13 - obviously this is a classic. There's not much to it, it was just a terrific classic.
- Avatar - This was obviously a completely revolutionary movie in terms of visualization. Utterly beyond anything we have ever seen before.
- The Star Wars saga (episodes I through VI) - They aren't all old enough to be classics, but I have to say that I loved all the movies
- The Matrix - I don't watch this movie very often, but I have to say that it is a terrific plot. I didn't like movies 2 and 3 as much, that's why they aren't up here.