Saturday, October 9, 2010

What now?

      I sense an upcoming quandary in which I'm going to run out of new english ideas to write about. Some could argue that this has already happened since I'm no longer talking about class; I'm talking about talking about class.  I have no end of ideas that are more science based, as displayed by my previous entry, but honestly, the only changing topics in our class are the current chapter of the text.
      I don't like to fall into that kind of pattern. A chapter by chapter analysis of puritan text is hardly colorful by any standards, especially for this audience which, as yet, is mostly comprised of students. These blogs are mostly intended, I presume, to merely allow us to extend and enhance our writing style. Therefore, unless Mr. Brenick objects, I'll continue with my slightly off-topic discussion points, but only if the discussion points available are scarce.
      This leaves open many possibilities for future blog topics: Schrödinger's cat for one. There's an interesting paradox for later discussion. These are fields where I feel I can be more comfortably analytical. Besides, if I gave up, and did book analysis every week, I'd lose interest. My blog would come out as "Puritan society was often what we could consider a pretentious society. It is so defined by their belief's in a pure society, in contrast with the society they actually created". Now while I can do a decent job of spouting that in an essay, it's certainly not the casual writing that these blogs are intended for, nor is it going to be fun for either the audience or myself.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you're saying Sam... it feels like my blogs are just some words that I kind of just scribbled down. I have given up trying to put meaning into my blogs, it seems like we're being put on the spot to just write something, and I guess I just feel like I should put more into it, but can't. Wow that was a long sentence.
